Black Lives Matter: SeNSS statement and resources

The SeNSS community abhors the racist murder of George Floyd and systemic racism in all its forms.

We acknowledge that our own field – UK higher education – needs to take urgent action to address the unequal treatment of black and minority ethnic students, researchers and staff.

As the Leading Routes group has shown in their path-breaking ‘Broken Pipeline’ report, home BAME students face significant barriers in accessing postgraduate funding.

SeNSS is working to implement the recommendations of a report we commissioned last year into ‘widening participation’ at the doctoral level. We encourage the ESRC and UKRI, and all our partners, to redouble their efforts to ensure that BAME students and other under-represented groups enjoy fair access to funding and to career opportunities.

At this time, we also encourage all our researchers and their supervisors to turn a critical eye to their own research projects and academic practices, and to reflect how these might play a more prominent part in tackling inequalities and promoting social justice. We hope that the resources listed below will help in this and we are keen to support further discussion and action on this vital issue.

Black Lives Matter – selected UK resources compiled by SeNSS DTP*

SeNSS universities: staff networks and widening participation report

Black Lives Matter – selected UK resources compiled by SeNSS DTP*

SeNSS universities: staff networks and widening participation report

SeNSS universities: BAME staff and race equality networks

UK groups combatting racism and promoting diversity

Education, courses and resources (selected)

  • Black Cultural Archives ( [National heritage centre dedicated to collecting, preserving and celebrating the histories of African and Caribbean people in Britain]


Call/Email your MP to raise questions and issues

* sources include: Fawcett Society, Black Lives Matter UK, Stephen Lawrence Trust, Institute of Race Relations.

SeNSS Consortium